A Demonic Night...All Hallows Eve...
A night you thought to have nothing but fun
A night you would find yourself on the run
For in the night something lay in wait
And now I fear, its far to late
You heard the whispers, you ignored
Now in front of you stands...The Darkest Lord
He feels all your pain and tastes your fear
He feeds on each and every tear
His eyes are crimson, he sports the darkest of wings
And you never believed that Angels sing
Now you stare at his fangs and his claws
This Dark Lord, he gives you pause
Yet you still believe it to be a joke
Until you feel the deadly poke
As his claw runs over your face
Making your heart race
You stare in horror at the Ghouls by his side
You smell the stench of death and your eyes go wide
You try to back away and hide your fear
Realizing your death could be near
You turn and you run fearing your death
Panting and sweating, out of breath
When suddenly you run through a door and into the light
With the echoing laughter of Demons to haunt you through the night...
Copyright Anna Marie Hoyer
All Rights Reserved October 3, 2000
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Copyright Anna Marie Hoyer, All Rights Reserved. All Artwork found within the pages is copyright the original artist. All Poetry within the pages copyright the orignal writer, All character biographys copyright the player of the character. All titles done by Vermillion Draven and Gem Bluestone. Page layouts created and made by Anna Marie Hoyer. This page is a Non Profit, For entertainment only page. Do NOT take from my page unless you have prior written consent from the artists.