All Hallows Eve...The Dark Witch...
All Hallows Eve, appears the dark witch
She wants your soul, she has a nasty itch
She is in the shadows, you cannot see her, but you feel her gentle stare...
You reach for her, you grasp nothing, you feel only the heated air
You hear her gentle voice speak
As the night of no moon reaches it's peak
Light suddenly surrounds her, you see her face
You reach for her again, only to grab empty space
You hear her chant, the spell is cast
Then she slowly lowers her mask
You see her true beauty, for one brief second
You hear her gentle voice softly beckon
The enchantress of the dark has stolen your heart
She now owns the one thing to tear you apart
The dawn approacheth, her light fades with the sun
But deep within your heart, the dark witch carries on
That night she enchanted you
Now what will your heart do......
The DarkMistress
Copyright 1998 Anna Marie Hoyer
All Rights Reserved
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